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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] DOG group @ salsa.d.o

* Sébastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org> [2017-12-26 09:28]:

Look like salsa has left pre-beta and is now in beta:


I sent my previous message without seeing yours. Our thoughts are in sync.

At any rate, it only makes sense to migrate the repositories once the server is in production mode AND after all the non-DD members of pkg-octave@Alioth have accounts on salsa.d.o.

This blog post has a recipe for automatically migrating a whole Alioth group:


Thanks. This is what I am planning to do (not tested yet, obviously; it should be run under ssh-agent with the appropriate SSH keys for both alioth.d.o and slasa.d.o added):

for pkg in $(aptitude search "?maintainer(Debian Octave Group)" -F%e | sort | uniq) ; do
  gbp clone git+ssh://rafael@git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/$pkg.git
  ( cd $pkg ;
    git remote rename origin old-origin ;
    git remote add origin git@salsa.debian.org:pkg-octave-team/$pkg.git ;
    sed -i -e "s/^Vcs-Git: .*$/Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/$pkg.git"; debian/control ;
    sed -i -e "s/^Vcs-Browse: .*$/Vcs-Browse: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/$pkg"; debian/control ;
    git add debian/control ;
    git commit -m "d/control: Use Debian's GitLab URLs in Vcs-* headers" ;
    git push -u origin --all ;
    git push -u origin --tags )

Tell me whether do you agree with the code above, please.


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