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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Running Octave tests under xvfb

* Rafael Laboissière <rafael@debian.org> [2017-10-17 22:07]:

* Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org> [2017-10-17 14:54]:

Isn't this something that could be handled in octave-autopkgtest instead? /usr/share/octave-pkg-dev/check-pkg is a shell script, it could source e.g. debian/tests/octave-autopkgtest.conf or debian/octave-autopkgtest.conf if it exists, and do different things based on the values of some documented environment variables.

One of those variables would mean "Run the tests under xvfb". This has the advantage of also working when check-pkg is executed during the build ...

Also this way you only use xvfb for the packages that really need it, cutting down in test dependencies, download/install time, etc.

This is a sensible suggestion.  I will think about it.

I have given a though on your suggestion. Imagine that a given package tells the check-pkg script (through a config file as you suggested) that the tests will need xvfb. How can that work on ci.debian.org, if xvfb is not declared as a dependency for running the unit tests?

I am probably missing something here.



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