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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Testing m-files

* Oliver Heimlich <oheim@posteo.de> [2016-02-15 17:48]:

You should add |xtest|warning to the regexp to be able test such m-files as well.

This is a good idea, thanks.  I will implement it soon.

I guess we should also include "fail", shouldn't we?

Also we should consider to fail the build if unit tests fail.

I have no recollection why we decided that failing unit tests should not prevent the package build. There was probably a compelling reason for that. At any rate, it became the standard practice for the DOG packages.

I have enabled this for the supplementary tst-files in the octave-interval. I'd prefer to also enable this behavior in octave-pkg.mk. Would you prefer a configuration switch?

Yes, a configuration switch would be a good idea. I will think about this.


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