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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Packaging Octave 3.8

* Mike Miller <mtmiller@debian.org> [2013-12-13 09:44]:

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 20:10:22 +0100, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
Le mercredi 11 décembre 2013 à 11:41 -0500, Mike Miller a écrit :

In your plan, what do you propose to do with the oct-files that are currently in the octave package? Because both octave and octave-cli need those files, either octave-cli would have to depend on octave, in which case there is again no need for an or-dependency, or the oct-files would also have to be split into a new package.

I guess the solution would be to put the oct-files into octave-cli, and have octave depend on octave-cli. Thus people who don't want the GUI version would install only octave-cli.

This seems awkward, but would work.

I vote for Sebastien's proposal and do not see it really as an awkward solution. Actually, octave-cli would be a "poorer" version of the full-featured octave package. Installing the last one will provide both CLI and GUI interface, with GUI being the default. This is what the upstream authors intend and what would be the reasonable expectation of our users.


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