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[Pkg-octave-devel] Reverse dependencies on octave3.2* packages


I just added a section on our wiki page about packages which have
reverse dependencies on octave3.2* packages and are not maintained by
the DOG [1].

Since at some point (and the sooner the better) we will want to remove
the octave3.2* packages from sid, we need to have these reverse
dependencies fixed to reflect the new naming scheme of Octave 3.6

My proposal is to quickly send an email to the maintainers of these
packages, with an explanation of what we are currently doing and how to
adapt their packages to the change. I am willing to send such an email.

In the same email, we could warn that at some date (for example in one
month) we will start filing (wishlist, or maybe higher?) bugs against
the packages which have not yet changed their deps.

In parallel of this effort, we could also contact the release team to
setup a proper transition slot. This could help speeding up the process
in case some maintainers are MIA.

What’s your stance on this?


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianOctaveGroup#Reverse_dependencies_on_octave3.2.2A_packages
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions

Sébastien Villemot
Researcher in Economics & Debian Maintainer
Phone: +33-1-40-77-84-04 - GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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