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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] [OctDev] Fwd: Debian packagers want to know

On 12.03.2012, at 20:58, Carnë Draug wrote:

> On 12 March 2012 16:17, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <jordigh@octave.org> wrote:
>> So which packages are a priority?
> I thought the list of most installed packages you sent before was the
> basis to decide this.
> This can be compared with the list given in the sourceforge site but
> it's a bit hard to analyze since packages are released at different
> times. If someone decides to analyze it properly, consider that for a
> long time sourceforge decided to chose what was the best file to
> download based on the OS it thought the user was which means the
> octave binaries rather than the packages. I have changed this a few
> months ago to be the last package uploaded. This caused an increase on
> the number of packages being downloaded. This number decreases after a
> different package being uploaded which suggests that many people just
> click on whatever shows up on the "download latest release" at the
> homepage when looking for the actual octave binaries and doesn't
> actually mean they want that package. Also, not sure if downloading
> with the -forge flag on pkg shows up on the sourceforge statistics.
> Still, the packages with most downloads seem to be control, signal,
> miscellaneous and image.
> Carnë

To sum up, I updated the list of priority packages:

 * control
 * image
 * io
 * java (I've never used it so far, therefore I can't tell)
 * odepkg (I use this quite often for solving ODEs)
 * optim (and its dependencies miscellaneous and struct)
 * signal
 * statistics


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