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[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#530858: Bug#530858: octave3.0: Unable to write files bigger than 2Go

On 28-May-2009, David Kremer wrote:

| My system is unable to write file bigger than 2Go with octave on
| i386 platform.
| A script to reproduce it :
| %% octave  script %%
| fd = fopen( "test.bin" , "wb" ) ;
| for k = [ 1:300 ]
|     fwrite( fd , randn(1024,1024) , "double");
| end ;
| fclose( fd ) ;
| ls -lh
| %% end of script %%
| The file should be bigger than 2Go, but his size remains 2Go.

This is a known problem, and isn't really something that the people
making packages for Debian are likely to fix.


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