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[Pkg-octave-devel] [RFU] octave3.0 3.0.0-10

I intend to upload octave3.0 3.0.0-10 to unstable as in SVN r1531, at least.
This will get into the way of the suitesparse transition but is a necessary
move because the package is currently not installable, due to the transition
in hdf5 1.6.5 -> 1.6.6.

This means that the transition into testing will be delayed by an
indeterminate amount of time.  However, this is already the case, because
the petsc package is blocking everything and there are no signs of the issue
getting resolved any soon.

Also, the autobuilders for arm, armel, hppa, mips, mpisel,a dn s390 will
have to wait until hdf5 1.6.6 gets built (this is blocked by openmpi).

If you object to the upload, tell me quickly.  On the other hand, if you
wish to have further fixes in octave3.0, it's the right time to do it now.

A subsidiary question: should we set urgency=high in debian/changelog?

Rafael [who is getting crazy with the suitesparse transition]

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