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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] check.m for the forge packages

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson <ojsbug@gmail.com> [2008-03-19 22:19]:

> I was looking through the forge packages for a test routine in them, I
> just did a grep on them and searched for %!test in the .m files and
> the following packages came up with nothing:
> audio, combinatorics, control, econometrics, financial, general, gsl,
> ident, irsa, miscellaneous, octgpr, odebvp, optiminterp, outliers,
> parallel, physicalconstants, plot, sockets, special, strings, struct,
> symbolic, time, vrml, zenity
> Now, that is a lot of packages. Should we drop this check.m routine or
> is there something I am missing in this? (I don't quite understand how
> the test function in octave works).

I do not understand which problem you have.  If a package has no %!test
directive in its .m files, just do not include a debian/check.m for it. Is
this what you are asking?


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