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[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#461558: Bug#461558: octave fails to invoke gnuplot

On 14-Feb-2008, Folkert van Heusden wrote:

| > > Just tried 3.0 and it gives the same errors:
| > > gnuplot> set terminal aqua 1 enhanced
| > >                       ^
| > >          line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list
| > > 
| > > 
| > > gnuplot> plot "-" using ($1):($2) axes x1y1 title "" with lines linestyle 1 ;
| > >               ^
| > >          line 0: use 'set term' to set terminal type first
| > 
| > Have you by any chance set the environment variable GNUTERM?  What does the
| > follow yield for you?
| > 
| >     $ echo $GNUTERM
| >     $ GNUTERM=x11 /usr/bin/octave3.0 -qf
| >     octave:1> plot (randn (10, 1));
| Tried it under X11 and then things work. So it seems X11 is required for
| it to run. I thought and hoped it would emit a png/gif/jpg-file.
| So the bug can be closed.

To generate graphics files without displaying them on the screen, try
something like

  figure (1, 'visible', 'off');
  plot (randn (10, 1));
  print -dpng foo.png


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