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[Pkg-octave-devel] Re: Test failures in building the Debian packages for octave-2.9.5

Rafael Laboissiere wrote:

>In building octave-2.9.5 for Debian, several tests failed, most of them
>related to sparse matrices.  The log is available at:
>    http://pkg-octave.alioth.debian.org/tmp/debian-octave-2.9.5_fntests.log
>Is there anything I can do to improve the situation?  I am building
>against libumfpack4-dev version 4.4-2.
As far as I can tell these are all due to missing dependencies on
UFSparse v1.2 or more recent, which supercedes umfpack in the sense that
it includes umfpack v4.6. I suppose I should have made the tests of the
sparse stuff conditional in the same way as the test of named tokens in
regexp.cc is conditional on pcre being installed. However, there is so
many tests involved and the combinations of what you might or might not
have installed and the results of the test is so large that I'd rather
just support the testing with all dependencies.

I'd convinced Quentin Spencer to package UFsparse as a single package
for Fedora rather than UMFPACK to reduce the number of dependencies as
octave 2.9.5 is dependent on the AMD, CCOLAMD, COLAMD, CHOLMOD, UMFPACK
and CXSPARSE subpackages of UFSparse. I produced a sample RPM available at


of UFSparse, which Quentin took and improved, and pointed Christophe
Prud'homme the maintainer of umfpack under debian to the same package.
Maybe a debian package of UFSparse v1.2 or more recent (v1.3 is supposed
to be release with minor changes to CXSPARSE) could be created based on
Quentin's or my RPM. Note that a difference between Fedora and debian is
that Quentin decided not to include the dependency on Metis for CHOLMOD,
which results in reduced speed by not capability. However, as debian has
PARMETIS in nonfree, the debian package of UFSparse might prefer to come
in two flavours, one with a dependency on parmetis and one without.
There is a slight difference in the build flags of CHOLMOD in this case,
which you can find in the SRPMS on my site above..


David Bateman                                David.Bateman@motorola.com
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