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Bug#341906: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#341906: octave prints copyright/debugging information on stdout instead of stderr

On  4-Dec-2005, Frederik Eaton wrote:

| On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 10:17:01AM -0500, John W. Eaton wrote:
| > On  4-Dec-2005, Frederik Eaton wrote:
| > 
| > | By the way, why not have -q be the default when octave is run as part
| > | of a script?
| > 
| > What do you mean by "as part of a script"?
| i.e. when you put "#!/usr/bin/octave" at the top of a file with octave
| code in it.

How would Octave be able to know that it has been started in this way?
As far as I know, the only information Octave gets is what is passed
to it in argv.  In this case, the kernel (or the shell) starts Octave
with whatever follows the #!, plus the name of the script file.  So I
think you have to include the -q yourself.

Now, if you mean you would prefer to have every noninteractive
invocation of Octave omit the copyright notice, then that would be
possible.  I don't see the reason it is needed, since -q is available.
But if you'd like to try convince me why this is important or
necessary, then please use the maintainers@octave.org list.  Also, to
combat spam on the lists, posting is restricted to subscribers (other
mail is bounced to me to forward to the list if it is actually for the
list and not spam), so please consider subscribing before posting.



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