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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#339442: octave2.9: error at startup: __gnuplot_init__ undefined

On 16-Nov-2005, Alberto Maurizi wrote:

| On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 11:42:41AM -0500, John W. Eaton wrote:
| > | alberto@krsna:~/ echo "which gplot" | octave-2.9.4 -q
| > | error: `__gnuplot_init__' undefined near line 141 column 1
| > | error: near line 141 of file `/usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu//PKG_ADD'
| > | error: source: error sourcing file `/usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu//PKG_ADD'
| > | error: near line 10 of file `/usr/share/octave/2.9.4/m/startup/octaverc'
| > | gplot is the dynamically-linked function from the file
| > | /usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu/gplot.oct
| > 
| > So what is in the file
| > 
| >   /usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu//PKG_ADD
| > 
| > on your system?  Does it contain a line like
| > 
| >   autoload ("__gnuplot_init__", "...");
| > 
| > before the line
| > 
| >   __gnuplot_init__ ();
| > 
| > ?  If so, precisely what is the second argument to the autoload
| > command?  Does the file named there exist on your system?  What
| > permissions does it have?
| > 
| > jwe
| 	Here are the answers:
| 	1. the file is attached
| 	2. yes, it does contain the "autoload" before the
| 	__gnuplot_init__ line
| 	3. the second argument of autoload is a NON EXISTENT file:
| /root/octave/octave-2.9.4/debian/octave2.9/usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu/gplot.oct
| 	In fact the required file can be found at a more safe location:
| /usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu/gplot.oct
| 	Further, all the paths in PKG_ADD are actually wrong.  I
| 	replaced all bad paths with (supposed) good ones and now it
| 	seems to work: no error on start up, can use gnuplot.
| 	I hope this can help closing the bug.
| 	a.
| -- 
| Alberto Maurizi
| moim@augh.net
| http://www.augh.net
| autoload ("airy", "/root/octave/octave-2.9.4/debian/octave2.9/usr/lib/octave/2.9.4/oct/i486-pc-linux-gnu/besselj.oct");

OK, I will fix this by generating this PKG_ADD file differently so we
avoid problems related to creating a package by running make install
with a value of prefix that is different from the one used at
configure time.


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