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Bug#946980: parmap: segmentation fault on 32bit architectures after ocaml upgrade from 4.05.0 to 4.08.1

Some more details. The code using parmap is this one:

        let instsets = if num_cores > 1 then
            (* On 32 bit architectures it can happen that the result returned
             * by parmap is too big to fit into the OCaml constraints for
             * maximum allocatable memory. Should this problem occur, we
             * repeat the computation with smaller chunk sizes.
             * Unfortunately, should the result be too big and the child
             * process throws an Out_of_memory error, then all the parent
             * process sees is the Failure exception that the marshalling
             * module throws. Thus, the Failure we do catch might also be
             * caused by other problems than an Out_of_memory exception.
             * https://github.com/rdicosmo/parmap/issues/46
            let rec splitjob maxsplits todo =
                Parmap.parmap ~ncores:num_cores worker (Parmap.L todo)
              | Failure "input_value_from_block: bad object" -> begin
                  if maxsplits <= 0 then fatal "exceeded maximum split depth";
                  warning "parmap raised out of memory exception with list length %d, splitting job..." (List.length todo);
                  let l1, l2 = List.split_nth ((List.length todo)/2) todo in
                  let res1 = splitjob (maxsplits-1) l1 in
                  let res2 = splitjob (maxsplits-1) l2 in
                  List.append res1 res2
            let maxsplits = 4 in
            splitjob maxsplits todo
            List.map worker todo

I already had problems with parmap in the past which is why I added this
workaround for when large lists yielded an exception on 32 bit architectures.
Now, after the ocaml update, a Out_of_memory exception is thrown instead of the
Failure above but even when catching and handling that, a segfault still
happens. The segfault also happens when creating *.d.byte files.

So somewhere a behavioural change happened between 4.05.0 and 4.08.1 which
affects parmap in this way on 32 bit architectures.


cheers, josch

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: signature

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