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Bug#896084: dose-builddebcheck: Finds invalid solution with versioned provides

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:40:53AM +0100, James Clarke wrote:
> Package: dose-builddebcheck
> Version: 5.0.1-9
> Tags: upstream
> [It's quite likely this should be against libdose3-ocaml(-dev) as I
> imagine this is a bug in the common library code also used by
> dose-distcheck]
> Hi,
> Whilst running a new kfreebsd-{amd64,i386} buildd, I noticed that
> dose-builddebcheck doesn't quite handle versioned provides correctly[1],
> when combined with versioned dependencies. This
> stems from the use of MAX_INT32-1 for an unversioned provides, which is
> of course greater than any version number used in the dependency.

It turns out this is the same problem as upstream's two failing
versioned provides tests[1]. The attached patch fixes all of this.


[1] https://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/dose-devel/2017-September/000660.html
>From 2b89c68f0711880ce06037d3aa2680215f9a0ab1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Clarke <jrtc27@jrtc27.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 14:59:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix >> and >= constraints against virtual packages

Previously, MAX_INT32-1 was used as the version number for an
unversioned provide (and also generated alongside a versioned provide),
which incorrectly satisfies any >> or >= constraint. Instead,
use --virtual--versioned- as a separate prefix for versioned
provides and constraints, whilst keeping --virtual- for unversioned
provides. This fixes the remaining broken versioned provides test cases.
 deb/debcudf.ml | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 deb/tests.ml   | 26 ++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/deb/debcudf.ml b/deb/debcudf.ml
index c70ed67..534cb63 100644
--- a/deb/debcudf.ml
+++ b/deb/debcudf.ml
@@ -224,12 +224,16 @@ let get_cudf_version tables (package,version) =
 let get_real_name name = 
-  (* Remove --virtual- and architecture encoding *)
+  (* Remove --virtual(--versioned)- and architecture encoding *)
   let dn = (CudfAdd.decode name) in
   let no_virtual =
     if ExtString.String.starts_with dn "--vir"
-    then ExtString.String.slice ~first:10 dn
-    else dn
+    then begin
+      let maybe_versioned = ExtString.String.slice ~first:10 dn in
+      if ExtString.String.starts_with maybe_versioned "-ver"
+      then ExtString.String.slice ~first:11 maybe_versioned
+      else maybe_versioned
+    end else dn
     let (n,a) = ExtString.String.split no_virtual ":" in
@@ -260,35 +264,21 @@ let loadl ?native_arch ?package_arch tables l =
   List.flatten (
     List.map (fun ((name,_) as vpkgname,constr) ->
       let encname = add_arch_info ?native_arch ?package_arch vpkgname in
-      match constr with
-      |None ->
+      let (virt_prefix, constr) =
+        match constr with
+        |None ->
           (* Versioned virtual packages will satisfiy non versioned dependencies *)
-          if (OcamlHashtbl.mem tables.virtual_table name) then
-            [(encname, None);("--virtual-"^encname,Some(`Eq,Util.max32int - 1))]
-          else
-            [(encname, None)]
-      |Some(op,v) ->
+          ("--virtual-", None)
+        |Some(op,v) ->
           (* Non-versioned virtual packages will not satisfy versioned dependencies. *)
           let op = Pef.Pefcudf.pefcudf_op op in
-          try
-            match SSet.elements !(OcamlHashtbl.find tables.virtual_table name) with
-            |[] -> assert false
-            |l ->
-                let dl = 
-                  List.filter_map (function
-                    |(_,None) -> Some ("--virtual-"^encname,Some(`Eq,Util.max32int))
-                    |(_,Some _) ->
-                        let constr = Some(op,get_cudf_version tables (name,v)) in
-                        Some ("--virtual-"^encname,constr)
-                  ) l
-                in
-                if Util.StringHashtbl.mem tables.unit_table name then
-                  let constr = Some(op,get_cudf_version tables (name,v)) in
-                  (encname,constr)::dl
-                else dl
-          with Not_found -> 
-              let constr = Some(op,get_cudf_version tables (name,v)) in
-              [(encname,constr)]
+          let constr = Some(op,get_cudf_version tables (name,v)) in
+          ("--virtual--versioned-",constr)
+      in
+      if (OcamlHashtbl.mem tables.virtual_table name) then
+        [(encname, constr);(virt_prefix^encname,constr)]
+      else
+        [(encname, constr)]
     ) l
@@ -308,12 +298,13 @@ let loadlp ?native_arch ?package_arch tables l =
   List.flatten (
     List.map (fun ((name,_) as vpkgname,constr) ->
         let encname = add_arch_info ?native_arch ?package_arch vpkgname in
-        let vencname = "--virtual-"^encname in 
+        let vencname = "--virtual-"^encname in
+        let vvencname = "--virtual--versioned-"^encname in
         match constr with
         |None -> [(vencname,Some(`Eq,Util.max32int - 1))]
         |Some("=",v) ->
           let constr = Some(`Eq,get_cudf_version tables (name,v)) in
-          [(vencname,constr);(vencname,Some(`Eq,Util.max32int - 1))]
+          [(vvencname,constr);(vencname,Some(`Eq,Util.max32int - 1))]
       |_ -> fatal "This should never happen : a provide can be either = or unversioned"
     ) l
diff --git a/deb/tests.ml b/deb/tests.ml
index f4d0299..707c6ed 100644
--- a/deb/tests.ml
+++ b/deb/tests.ml
@@ -926,17 +926,17 @@ let test_sources2packages =
       unversioned   |        (<= 10)       | unsat | unsat
       unversioned   |        (>= 20)       | unsat | unsat
-        (= 10)      |      unversioned     | sat   | unsat  ***
+        (= 10)      |      unversioned     | sat   | sat
         (= 10)      |        (= 20)        | unsat | unsat
         (= 10)      |        (<= 10)       | sat   | sat
         (= 10)      |        (>= 20)       | unsat | unsat
-        (= 20)      |      unversioned     | sat   | unsat  ***
+        (= 20)      |      unversioned     | sat   | sat
         (= 20)      |        (= 20)        | sat   | sat
         (= 20)      |        (<= 10)       | unsat | unsat
         (= 20)      |        (>= 20)       | sat   | sat
-    (= 10) (= 20)   |      unversioned     | sat   | unsat  ***
+    (= 10) (= 20)   |      unversioned     | sat   | sat
     (= 10) (= 20)   |        (= 20)        | sat   | sat
     (= 10) (= 20)   |        (<= 10)       | sat   | sat
     (= 10) (= 20)   |        (>= 20)       | sat   | sat
@@ -944,25 +944,25 @@ let test_sources2packages =
  pkgA provides pkgB | pkgC conflicts with pkgB | dpkg  | dose3
-      unversioned   |        unversioned       | unsat |  sat   ***
+      unversioned   |        unversioned       | unsat |  unsat
       unversioned   |          (= 20)          | sat   |  sat
       unversioned   |          (<= 10)         | sat   |  sat
       unversioned   |          (>= 20)         | sat   |  sat
-        (= 10)      |        unversioned       | unsat |  sat   ***
+        (= 10)      |        unversioned       | unsat |  unsat
         (= 10)      |          (= 20)          | sat   |  sat
-        (= 10)      |          (<= 10)         | unsat |  sat   ***
+        (= 10)      |          (<= 10)         | unsat |  unsat
         (= 10)      |          (>= 20)         | sat   |  sat
-        (= 20)      |        unversioned       | unsat |  sat   ***
-        (= 20)      |          (= 20)          | unsat |  sat   ***
+        (= 20)      |        unversioned       | unsat |  unsat
+        (= 20)      |          (= 20)          | unsat |  unsat
         (= 20)      |          (<= 10)         | sat   |  sat
-        (= 20)      |          (>= 20)         | unsat |  sat   ***
+        (= 20)      |          (>= 20)         | unsat |  unsat
-    (= 10) (= 20)   |        unversioned       | unsat |  sat   ***
-    (= 10) (= 20)   |          (= 20)          | unsat |  sat   ***
-    (= 10) (= 20)   |          (<= 10)         | unsat |  sat   ***
-    (= 10) (= 20)   |          (>= 20)         | unsat |  sat   ***
+    (= 10) (= 20)   |        unversioned       | unsat |  unsat
+    (= 10) (= 20)   |          (= 20)          | unsat |  unsat
+    (= 10) (= 20)   |          (<= 10)         | unsat |  unsat
+    (= 10) (= 20)   |          (>= 20)         | unsat |  unsat
 let test_versioned_provides =

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