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Re: 4.04 changes

Stéphane Glondu:
> On 03/03/2017 14:19, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> I've pushed the changes to the debian/experimental branch. It builds well but fails here:
> Looking at the commit diff, I suspect the package won't build on bytecode architectures. For example, it unconditionally installs ocamlopt.*. You should try on a porterbox.
> [..]

Thanks for the hint, I've fixed this and some other things, and have done a test build on mips64el. However there are a few last failures:

dh_install: Cannot find (any matches for) "/usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.mli" (tried in "." and "debian/tmp")
dh_install: ocaml-nox missing files:      /usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.mli
dh_install: Cannot find (any matches for) "/usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.cmi" (tried in "." and "debian/tmp")
dh_install: ocaml-base-nox missing files: /usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.cmi
dh_install: Cannot find (any matches for) "/usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.cma" (tried in "." and "debian/tmp")
dh_install: ocaml-base-nox missing files: /usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.cma

I'm not sure the best way to solve these. I could add OPT: to the relevant entries in the *.install.in files, but nothing else in there follows this pattern. Do you have any ideas?

The build file for those libs are here:


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