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Bug#809225: Nice way to solve bugs and segfaults


On 11/01/2016 23:41, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> let's focus on the core issue.
You're right, thanks for putting us back on tracks.

> AFAIK, older versions of Unison cannot work with OCaml 4.02. The latter
> has been uploaded last October and we've transitioned all the OCaml stack
> to 4.02.3. Since we don't support multiple version of OCaml in the same
> archive, older versions of Unison had to be removed since they became
> useless. Stéphane could have invested some time to backport necessary
> changes to make them work with OCaml 4.02.3. Unfortunately, this requires
> quite some work and was not worth trying.

I think that it should be nice to get a unison2.32.52 update which displays a message to
the user during upgrade, so that he knows that there is a known problem, and that the
solution is a migration to a newer version, with a few choices like "do nothing yet",
"migrate my repos to the new version", "install new unison but do not touch the repos".

Unison craches, removing the package from Debian servers does not solve the crash : the
old package will be kept, and Unison still crashes.
Using a new version does not work, as the data format for the repos are not compatible, so
not a solution either.

> The remaining issue is the situation of users of mixed machines stable/testing.
> We are working on a solution for them and we are quite confident to get this
> sorted out. The solution will probably land debian-backports and will be
> announced on this list. So stay tuned!

Nice. A script to migrate the repo data to the new format might be good too, to prevent
having to backport things forever.

Anyway, due to the reply I got when I tried to contribute, I choosed a solution on my own,
which does not imply using Debian packaging system, and is not reproductible to others.
This results in time lost for everyone, as I have a working solution now, and will not
help working on a solution for this problem anymore.

> In the meantime, he are the few working solutions that have been mentioned
> by some users:
> 1) Copy needed binaries on systems you want to synchronize with.

I tried this, it did not work.

> 2) Install Unison's packages from Jessie, and not use Stretch's ones.
I think I tried to use the binary from the server on both side, but it was not linked to
the right libs, so not a solution either.
And as for the package themselves, I encountered dependency problems.

> If you encountering an issue that is not covered by what I've described, please
> do share it with us so that we can try to help you.
I had to solve the problem on my own, which means I do not have a test system anymore. you
are on your own too on this problem now.


Nathaël PAJANI - ED3L - Techno-Innov
Internet : http://www.ed3l.fr - http://www.techno-innov.fr

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