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Re: mathcomp/ssreflect packaging (Was: Uploads needed)


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 08:11:43PM +0200, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:

> Those two packages (lib{mathcomp,ssreflect}-coq) only contain .vo files,
> which are AFAIK architecture-independent.
> Unfortunately, coq_makefile doesn't support not building .vo files
> (I don't even know if it is possible), and I wouldn't feel comfortable
> maintaining even more build-system patches.
> It's a bit of a cop-out, but I would like to suggest moving forward
> with this and opening a bug against mathcomp for not building arch-indep
> packages.

you are right, we should come to a conclusion. What I had in mind is
in fact quite simple. I'll push to the git tomorrow for review.


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