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Bug#774278: unison: naming of backup files does not work for "update-sandisk-Playlists"

PS: Maybe I should add the complete comand and .prf files.


unison -addversionno -batch backup

==== backup.prf ==============================================================

root   = /home/josef
force  = /home/josef
root   = /media/usb0/backupToshiba2GB/home/josef

include common.options

include backup.options

include josef.ignore
include josefBackup.ignore

==== common.options ==========================================================

# suppress contact message
#contactquietly = true
# suppress status messages
#terse = true
# don't ask too many questions
auto = true
# supress logging
log = false
# update also modification times
times = true

==== backup.options ==========================================================

backup = Name *
backuplocation = local
backupprefix =
backupsuffix = ..unison-backup.$VERSION

==== josef.ignore ============================================================

# ignore(not) the following paths and files

# within the home directory
ignore    = Path .*
  ignorenot = Path .AAA
  ignorenot = Path .bash_logout
  ignorenot = Path .bash_profile
  ignorenot = Path .bashrc
  ignorenot = Path .emacs
  ignorenot = Path .fetchmailrc
  ignorenot = Path .inputrc
  ignorenot = Path .mailcap
  ignorenot = Path .mailrc*
  ignorenot = Path .mplayer
  ignorenot = Path .muttrc*
  ignorenot = Path .ssh
    ignore    = Path .ssh/known_hosts
  ignorenot = Path .tmp*
  ignorenot = Path .unison
    ignore    = Regex \.unison/.*
      ignorenot = Regex \.unison/.*\.ignore
      ignorenot = Regex \.unison/.*\.options
      ignorenot = Regex \.unison/.*\.prf
      ignorenot = Regex \.unison/update.*
  ignorenot = Path .xemacs

ignore = Path brasero*
ignore = Path *.iso
ignore = Path Dropbox
ignore = Path INBOX*
ignore = Path JosefAtmin
ignore = Path profile
ignore = Path profile.sav
ignore = Path unison.log

ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/byDancePlayed
ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/byDanceToPlay
ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/Histograms-BPM
ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/Histograms-MPM
ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/Playlists
ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/SongLists

# anywhere

ignore = Name .comments
ignore = Name fifo*
ignore = Name #*#

# temporary files
ignore = Name *.tmp.*

==== josefBackup.ignore ======================================================

ignore    = Name .*~
ignore    = Name *~
ignore    = Name *..unison-backup.*
ignore    = Name *.iso
ignore    = Name *-tmp
ignore    = Name Gedanken+Erlebnisse-Chronologisch.org
#ignore = Name *.aup
ignore = Name *_data

ignore    = Path Tanzen/Musik/byDance


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