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Bug#138157: Does a workaround exist?


another small followup while we are at RTFM and maybe it helps somebody else
who ran into the same problem.

Quoting Hendrik Tews (2013-07-03 08:51:03)
> Johannes Schauer <j.schauer@email.de> writes:
>    Does there exist a workaround for it? For example I have to use the IEEEtran
>    class [1] but can't view the dvi because of this bug:
> The advi FAQ at http://advi.inria.fr/faq.html says
>     How to visualize Adobe PostScript fonts like ptmr8t using Active-DVI ?
>     Answer: You have to preprocess the file with the command
>     dvicopy which expands virtual fonts. For instance:
>                 dvicopy foo.dvi foo.advi && advi foo.advi
>     usually works fine.

I was stumbling over this advi bug because I was trying to use whizzytex (which
worked fine so far) for a paper which used the IEEEtran class. Searching
through the whizzytex manual, now knowing what to look for I saw the following
option to whizzytex which works around this advi bug:

> -dvicopy ⟨command⟩
>     uses ⟨command⟩ instead of the default (mv) to copy DVI files (from
>     FILE.dvi to FILE.wdvi). This can be used with command dvicopy so as to
>     expand virtual font, which advi does not understand yet)

So now I just include:

	%; whizzy -dvicopy dvicopy

in my document and things work just as well as before even despite this advi

Thanks Hendrik, I would've not realized I need this option without your help :)

cheers, josch

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