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New ocaml packages

Dear Debian OCaml Task Force,

A team of us here at Citrix are working on porting the XCP Xen toolstack to Debian, a large majority of which is written in OCaml. As part of this effort, we needed to get the OCaml bindings to the Xen control libraries sorted, which a number of you helped with and which has now been committed to pkg-xen, so I'd like to thank you very much for assisting there! The next step is to get an extra set of OCaml libraries that we require packaged up and uploaded - 'xen-api-libs' - for which the source is available here: http://github.com/xen-org/xen-api-libs.

While these libraries are required for XCP, they're somewhat specialised, though they have some quite generic names; for example, 'uuid' and 'log'. My initial proposal is to have them installed in a subdirectory of OCAML_STDLIB_DIR, and then if some are found to be useful to others they could potentially be made into their own packages and moved into the more standard place.

We've got the draft debian packaging files written to implement this, and we were wondering whether you might be able to look them over to see if we've made any mistakes. The files are available in my github account here:


Note that this package depends upon libxen-ocaml, which hasn't been uploaded yet, although it is committed in the repository.

Many thanks in advance,

Jon Ludlam

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