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Re: [Pkg-xen-devel] [patch] Packages ocaml libraries

Le 31/08/2011 17:31, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
> I have set debian-ocaml-maint@lists.debian.org as Cc: to this email, in
> the hope that the Debian OCaml task force can have a last look on my
> work. I'd appreciate comments, and I hope I didn't do mistakes this
> time. Please keep in mind that I don't know much about OCaml...

I haven't looked at everything, but it seems that your packages creates
a lot of subdirectories with seemingly generic names directly in
@OCamlStdlibDir@, which seems abusive. For example, I see uuidm, which
is already installed by libuuidm-ocaml-dev. IMHO, it would be saner to
e.g. create a single "xen" at @OCamlStdlibDir@ root, and subdirs there.
The same thing applies for the findlib namespace (META files).



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