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Re: debian ocaml packaging policy :: findlib->site-lib

> Can you please explain why you think it should be written in the debian
> ocaml policy?

Because how findlib is configure affects how are installed a lot of packages.

> findlib is an abstraction layer which precisely enable users to not
> knowing details like this one.

Please don't forget that everyone is not a findlib user !
There are people that prefer to use the direct interface.
For these people, knowing the path of the directory where a lib is installed 
is important. In the Makefile one will write -I +foo or -I +site-lib/foo

>                                Moreover, the findlib configuration in
> Debian is precisely tuned to work properly both with libraries shipped
> as Debian packages and library "manually" installed by local
> administrators (the latter end up under /usr/local/...).

And this point depends on the current configuration of findlib.
Moreover, as you do it, why don't tell in the policy that you do it ?
If it's because it may change, you can change the policy too.

Mandriva packagers made the choice to use site-lib thinking that it was what 
Debian did chose. I won't blame them because they are not ocaml specialists 
and they package a lot of other things, including python and perl things 
where a site-lib directory is used.
Moreover as it is not written in the policy it is not so easy to know.

For example, to search the configuration of debian findlib I have searched for 
the build script of the ocaml packages, and felt there :
where I do not see any findlib.
So I felt in the position to download a .deb and open it with ar x.
Writing it in the policy would simplify the life of foreigners.

> Still, the findlib path for looking for libraries is more than that, it
> also contains a dir located /usr/local, as discussed above.

Where is it discussed, I don't see, could you please point me where to find 
these details ?

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