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Bug#334284: libzip-ocaml-dev: Lack of Documentation

* Chris Stork <debian-bugs@cstork.org> wrote:
> Package: libzip-ocaml-dev
> Version: 1.01-15
> Severity: normal
> Currently, I have to download the sources in order to be able to use
> this package.

The interface files can be found in /usr/lib/ocaml/.../zip/ - no need to
download the source package.

> It would be nice to generate the documentation from the
> *.mli source files for the dev deb.

That's true.  Attached is a patch (for 1.02) that converts the comments
in zip.mli into the format recognized by ocamldoc.

Kind regards,
--- zip.mli.orig	2007-01-07 20:28:21.000000000 +0100
+++ zip.mli	2007-01-07 22:13:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -13,144 +13,147 @@
 (* $Id: zip.mli,v 1.5 2006/04/04 08:28:44 xleroy Exp $ *)
-(* Module [Zip]: reading and writing ZIP archives *)
+(** Reading and writing ZIP archives
-(* This module provides functions for reading and writing ZIP archive
-   files.  ZIP archives package one or more compressed files into
-   a single ``ZIP file'' along with information about the files,
-   including file name, date and time of last modification, user-provided
-   comments, and a checksum to verify the integrity of each entry.
-   The entries of a ZIP file are not necessarily actual files, and can
-   actually consist of arbitrary data.
-   The ZIP file format used in this module is identical to that
-   implemented by the popular [pkzip] archiver under Windows,
-   and by the Info-ZIP [zip] and [unzip] commands under Unix and Windows.
-   This format is also identical to the JAR file format used by Java. *)
+    This module provides functions for reading and writing ZIP archive
+    files.  ZIP archives package one or more compressed files into
+    a single ``ZIP file'' along with information about the files,
+    including file name, date and time of last modification, user-provided
+    comments, and a checksum to verify the integrity of each entry.
+    The entries of a ZIP file are not necessarily actual files, and can
+    actually consist of arbitrary data.
+    The ZIP file format used in this module is identical to that
+    implemented by the popular [pkzip] archiver under Windows,
+    and by the Info-ZIP [zip] and [unzip] commands under Unix and Windows.
+    This format is also identical to the JAR file format used by Java. *)
-(*** Information on ZIP entries *)
+(** {6 Information on ZIP entries} *)
 type compression_method =
-    Stored                     (* data is stored without compression *)
-  | Deflated                   (* data is compressed with the ``deflate'' algorithm *)
-        (* Indicate whether the data in the entry is compressed or not. *)
+    Stored                     (** data is stored without compression *)
+  | Deflated                   (** data is compressed with the ``deflate'' algorithm *)
+        (** Indicate whether the data in the entry is compressed or not. *)
 type entry =
-  { filename: string;          (* file name for entry *)
-    extra: string;             (* extra information attached to entry *)
-    comment: string;           (* comment attached to entry *)
-    methd: compression_method; (* compression method *)
-    mtime: float;              (* last modification time (seconds since epoch) *)
-    crc: int32;                (* cyclic redundancy check for data *)
-    uncompressed_size: int;    (* size of original data in bytes *)
-    compressed_size: int;      (* size of compressed data *)
-    is_directory: bool;        (* whether this entry represents a directory *)
-    file_offset: int64 }         (* for internal use *)
-          (* Description of an entry in a ZIP file. *)
+  { filename: string;          (** file name for entry *)
+    extra: string;             (** extra information attached to entry *)
+    comment: string;           (** comment attached to entry *)
+    methd: compression_method; (** compression method *)
+    mtime: float;              (** last modification time (seconds since epoch) *)
+    crc: int32;                (** cyclic redundancy check for data *)
+    uncompressed_size: int;    (** size of original data in bytes *)
+    compressed_size: int;      (** size of compressed data *)
+    is_directory: bool;        (** whether this entry represents a directory *)
+    file_offset: int64         (** for internal use *)
+  }
+          (** Description of an entry in a ZIP file. *)
-(*** Reading from ZIP files *)
+(** {6 Reading from ZIP files} *)
 type in_file
-          (* Abstract type representing a handle opened for reading from
-             a ZIP file. *)
+          (** Abstract type representing a handle opened for reading from
+              a ZIP file. *)
 val open_in: string -> in_file
-          (* Open the ZIP file with the given filename.  Return a
-             handle opened for reading from this file. *)
+          (** Open the ZIP file with the given filename.  Return a
+              handle opened for reading from this file. *)
 val entries: in_file -> entry list
-          (* Return a list of all entries in the given ZIP file. *)
+          (** Return a list of all entries in the given ZIP file. *)
 val comment: in_file -> string
-          (* Return the comment attached to the given ZIP file, or the
-             empty string if none. *)
+          (** Return the comment attached to the given ZIP file, or the
+              empty string if none. *)
 val find_entry: in_file -> string -> entry
-          (* [Zip.find_entry zf filename] returns the description of the
-             entry having name [filename] in the ZIP file [zf].
-             Raises [Not_found] if no such entry exists.
-             The file name must match exactly; in particular, case is
-             significant.  File names must use [/] (slash) as the directory
-             separator.  The name of a directory must end with a trailing 
-             [/] (slash). *)
+          (** [Zip.find_entry zf filename] returns the description of the
+              entry having name [filename] in the ZIP file [zf].
+              Raises [Not_found] if no such entry exists.
+              The file name must match exactly; in particular, case is
+              significant.  File names must use [/] (slash) as the directory
+              separator.  The name of a directory must end with a trailing 
+              [/] (slash). *)
 val read_entry: in_file -> entry -> string
-          (* [Zip.read_entry zf e] reads and uncompresses the data
-             (file contents) associated with entry [e] of ZIP file [zf].
-             The data is returned as a character string. *)
+          (** [Zip.read_entry zf e] reads and uncompresses the data
+              (file contents) associated with entry [e] of ZIP file [zf].
+              The data is returned as a character string. *)
 val copy_entry_to_channel: in_file -> entry -> out_channel -> unit
-          (* [Zip.copy_entry_to_channel zf e oc] reads and uncompresses
-             the data associated with entry [e] of ZIP file [zf].
-             It then writes this data to the output channel [oc]. *)
+          (** [Zip.copy_entry_to_channel zf e oc] reads and uncompresses
+              the data associated with entry [e] of ZIP file [zf].
+              It then writes this data to the output channel [oc]. *)
 val copy_entry_to_file: in_file -> entry -> string -> unit
-          (* [Zip.copy_entry_to_file zf e destfile] reads and uncompresses
-             the data associated with entry [e] of ZIP file [zf].
-             It then writes this data to the file named [destfile].
-             The file [destfile] is created if it does not exist,
-             and overwritten otherwise.  The last modification date of
-             the file is set to that indicated in the ZIP entry [e],
-             if possible. *)
+          (** [Zip.copy_entry_to_file zf e destfile] reads and uncompresses
+              the data associated with entry [e] of ZIP file [zf].
+              It then writes this data to the file named [destfile].
+              The file [destfile] is created if it does not exist,
+              and overwritten otherwise.  The last modification date of
+              the file is set to that indicated in the ZIP entry [e],
+              if possible. *)
 val close_in: in_file -> unit
-          (* Close the given ZIP file handle.  If the ZIP file handle was
-             created by [open_in_channel], the underlying input channel
-             is closed. *)
+          (** Close the given ZIP file handle.  If the ZIP file handle was
+              created by [open_in_channel], the underlying input channel
+              is closed. *)
-(*** Writing to ZIP files *)
+(** {6 Writing to ZIP files} *)
 type out_file
-          (* Abstract type representing a handle opened for writing to
-             a ZIP file. *)
+          (** Abstract type representing a handle opened for writing to
+              a ZIP file. *)
 val open_out: ?comment: string -> string -> out_file
-          (* Create (or truncate to zero length) the ZIP file with
-             the given filename.  Return a handle opened for writing
-             to this file.  The optional argument [comment] is a
-             comment string that is attached to the ZIP file as a whole
-             (as opposed to the comments that can be attached to individual
-             ZIP entries). *) 
+          (** Create (or truncate to zero length) the ZIP file with
+              the given filename.  Return a handle opened for writing
+              to this file.  The optional argument [comment] is a
+              comment string that is attached to the ZIP file as a whole
+              (as opposed to the comments that can be attached to individual
+              ZIP entries). *) 
 val add_entry:
   string -> out_file -> 
     ?extra: string -> ?comment: string -> ?level: int ->
     ?mtime: float -> string -> unit
-          (* [Zip.add_entry data zf name] adds a new entry to the 
-             ZIP file [zf].  The data (file contents) associated with
-             the entry is taken from the string [data].  It is compressed
-             and written to the ZIP file [zf].  [name] is the file name
-             stored along with this entry.  Several optional arguments
-             can be provided to control the format and attached information 
-             of the entry:
--            [extra]  extra data attached to the entry (a string).
-               Default: empty.
--            [comment]  comment attached to the entry (a string)
-               Default: empty.
--            [level]  compression level for the entry.  This is an integer
-               between 0 and 9, with 0 meaning no compression (store as is),
-               1 lowest compression, 9 highest compression.  Higher
-               levels result in smaller compressed data, but longer compression
-               times.  Default: 6 (moderate compression).
--            [mtime]  last modification time (in seconds since the epoch).
-               Default: the current time. *)
+          (** [Zip.add_entry data zf name] adds a new entry to the 
+              ZIP file [zf].  The data (file contents) associated with
+              the entry is taken from the string [data].  It is compressed
+              and written to the ZIP file [zf].  [name] is the file name
+              stored along with this entry.  Several optional arguments
+              can be provided to control the format and attached information 
+              of the entry:
+              @param extra  extra data attached to the entry (a string).
+                Default: empty.
+              @param comment  attached to the entry (a string).
+                Default: empty.
+              @param level  compression level for the entry.  This is an
+                integer between 0 and 9, with 0 meaning no compression (store
+                as is), 1 lowest compression, 9 highest compression.  Higher
+                levels result in smaller compressed data, but longer
+                compression times.
+                Default: 6 (moderate compression).
+              @param mtime  last modification time (in seconds since the
+                epoch).
+                Default: the current time. *)
 val copy_channel_to_entry:
   in_channel -> out_file -> 
     ?extra: string -> ?comment: string -> ?level: int ->
     ?mtime: float -> string -> unit
-          (* Same as [Zip.add_entry], but the data associated with the
-             entry is read from the input channel given as first argument.
-             The channel is read up to end of file. *)
+          (** Same as [Zip.add_entry], but the data associated with the
+              entry is read from the input channel given as first argument.
+              The channel is read up to end of file. *)
 val copy_file_to_entry:
   string -> out_file -> 
     ?extra: string -> ?comment: string -> ?level: int ->
     ?mtime: float -> string -> unit
-          (* Same as [Zip.add_entry], but the data associated with the
-             entry is read from the file whose name is given as first
-             argument.  Also, the default value for the [mtime]
-             optional parameter is the time of last modification of the
-             file. *)
+          (** Same as [Zip.add_entry], but the data associated with the
+              entry is read from the file whose name is given as first
+              argument.  Also, the default value for the [mtime]
+              optional parameter is the time of last modification of the
+              file. *)
 val close_out: out_file -> unit
-          (* Finish writing the ZIP archive by adding the table of
-             contents, and close it. *)
+          (** Finish writing the ZIP archive by adding the table of
+              contents, and close it. *)
-(*** Error reporting *)
+(** {6 Error reporting} *)
 exception Error of string * string * string
-          (* Exception raised when an ill-formed ZIP archive is encountered,
-             or illegal parameters are given to the functions in this
-             module.  The exception is of the form
-             [Error(ZIP_name, entry_name, message)] where [ZIP_name]
-             is the name of the ZIP file, [entry_name] the name of
-             the offending entry, and [message] an explanation of the
-             error. *)
+          (** Exception raised when an ill-formed ZIP archive is encountered,
+              or illegal parameters are given to the functions in this
+              module.  The exception is of the form
+              [Error(ZIP_name, entry_name, message)] where [ZIP_name]
+              is the name of the ZIP file, [entry_name] the name of
+              the offending entry, and [message] an explanation of the
+              error. *)

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