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Re: version mumbers of the ocaml-tools package


Ralf Treinen wrote:
the ocaml-tools package carries vesion numbers based on date since
since it unites different upstream packages with different
version numbers. Please keep to the format YY.MM.DD and don't
change it to YY.DD.MM as it happenend recently. The reason is
of course that in the format YY.DD.MM the lexicographic comparison
of the version string does no longer correspond to the chronological
order of dates. Since we now arrived at a version number
of 2005.29.04 we will have to use an epoch if we want to do a
new release during te year 2005, unless it wll be on the 29th,
30th, or 31th of a month.

Argh. I'm certainly to be held responsible for this mistake. Sorry.



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