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[ara] Tagged 1.0.3 (rev. 781)

Hello all,

1.0.3 includes everything in the changelog (see below),
plus a fix for a small CLI inconvenience.

Before uploading these to Debian, we need :
  - The official maintainer of ara is Thomas.  George has not
official maintainer status.  Could you two solve this issue ?
(Maybe Thomas could make George a co-maintainer, or maybe Sven
could be a co-maintainer)

  - To decide what to do with xara.1 ; I suggest a very small
  man page telling the user to go read ara(1) instead

  - Ara should suggest a pager (less or more) and a2ps

  - Xara should suggest a2ps

George said :
> Btw, what is preffered: to have a separate mailing list for ara on alioth or 
> to use the debian-ocaml-maint one for discussing ara ? 

I've reapplied to alioth for an ara project ; I'll put an ara mailing list

Meanwhile let's tag subject lines with [ara].

Berke Durak

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