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ocaml 3.07 excuses ...


Ok, ocaml 3.07-6 is now 10 days old, and i get the following excuses :


    * trying to update ocaml from 3.06-21 to 3.07-6 (candidate is 10 days old)
    * Updating ocaml makes 44 packages uninstallable on alpha:
	 camlidl, fort, libcamlimages-ocaml, libcamlimages-ocaml-dev,
	 libconfigwin-ocaml-dev, libgdome2-ocaml, libgdome2-ocaml-dev,
	 libgdome2-xslt-ocaml, libgdome2-xslt-ocaml-dev,
	 libgpattern-ocaml-dev, liblablgl-ocaml, liblablgl-ocaml-dev,
	 liblablgtk-ocaml, liblablgtk-ocaml-dev, liblablgtk2-ocaml,
	 liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev, liblablgtkmathview-ocaml,
	 liblablgtkmathview-ocaml-dev, libmlchat-ocaml-dev,
	 libmlgtk-ocaml, libmlgtk-ocaml-dev, libnetclient-ocaml-dev,
	 libocamlcvs-ocaml-dev, libocamlnet-ocaml-dev,
	 libokey-ocaml-dev, liboptions-ocaml-dev, libpcre-ocaml,
	 libpcre-ocaml-dev, libpgsql-ocaml-dev, libpxp-ocaml-dev,
	 libreport-ocaml-dev, libsdl-ocaml, libsdl-ocaml-dev,
	 libshell-ocaml, libshell-ocaml-dev, libwlexing-ocaml,
	 libwlexing-ocaml-dev, libxstr-ocaml-dev, libzip-ocaml,
	 libzip-ocaml-dev, ocaml-findlib, ocaml-ioxml, ocaml-wlex,

Ok, most of these packages are currently rebuilt and mostly only wait
for the right time to be updated, but i would like everyone to go over
this list, and check the packages of them they maintain and report to
the list back the status of these different packages.

Furthermore, i have prepared a new ocaml 3.07-7 package in SVN, but i
delayed the upload until today. It fixes 3 reported bugs, as well as the
hppa unreported problem, so i think it is important that we try to get
it in as soon as possible (possibly even with priority more than low)
and it also includes the pl2 patch instead of the older camlp4 patch.
The version is 3.07+2 though, i suppose this will play major havoc with
people using ocamlc -version in their makefiles, but ocamlc -where is
still ok.

Anyway, the transition is almost ok now, unless we missed some important


Sven Luther

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