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[xavier.leroy@inria.fr: [Caml-list] OCaml 3.07 patch 2]

Well, it seems that there will be a new upload anyway. I don't think
that it will break binary compatibility, since i doubt any of our
modules uses recursive module definitions yet.

----- Forwarded message from Xavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr> -----

Envelope-to: luther@localhost
Delivery-date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:10:27 +0200
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From: Xavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>
To: caml-list@inria.fr
Subject: [Caml-list] OCaml 3.07 patch 2
X-Spam: no; 0.00; 3.07:01 bug-fix:01 3.07:01 camlp:01 ocaml:01 ocaml:01 caml:01 ocaml-:01 ocaml-:01 distrib:01 emacs:01 patch:02 patch:02 binary:02 module:03 
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X-Spam: no; 0.00; 3.07:01 bug-fix:01 3.07:01 distrib:01 ocaml-:01 ocaml-:01 -patch:01 diffs:01 fixes:01 camlp:01 parsing:01 arguments:01 emacs:01 versions:01 xemacs:01 

The second (and hopefully last) bug-fix patch against the OCaml 3.07
distribution is now available at

This patch fixes the following issues:
- Camlp4: parsing of labeled function arguments.
- Emacs interface: portability issues between versions of GnuEmacs and XEmacs.
- Incorrect code generated for certain recursive module definitions.
- Name pollution issue on Mac OS X 10.3.

(The last item is what makes the initial build go wrong under Mac OS X

Feel free to send me feedback on this patch.  Both negative ("it still
doesn't work") and positive ("it fixed my problems") feedback are
useful in deciding when to consider 3.07 as finished and to rebuild
the binary distributions.

- Xavier Leroy

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