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[rich@annexia.org: [Caml-list] ANNOUNCE: mod_caml 0.9.0]

Should we package this ?

What do you think about it, Stefano ? I think you are among us the most
able to give an opinion on it, since you package other network oriented


Sven Luther
----- Forwarded message from Richard Jones <rich@annexia.org> -----

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Delivery-date: Fri, 03 Oct 2003 01:12:34 +0200
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To: caml-list@inria.fr
Subject: [Caml-list] ANNOUNCE: mod_caml 0.9.0
From: Richard Jones <rich@annexia.org>
X-Spam: no; 0.00; api:01 templating:01 dbi:99 dbi:99 implemented:01 freshmeat:01 ltd:98 bindings:01 ocaml:01 ocaml:01 caml:01 caml:01 modules:02 business:96 bind:03 
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I'm pleased to announce that mod_caml 0.9.0 is available here:


mod_caml is a set of Objective CAML (OCaml) bindings for the Apache
API. It allows you to run CGI scripts written in OCaml directly inside
the Apache webserver. However, it is much much more than just that:

    * Bind to any part of the Apache request cycle.
    * Read and modify internal Apache structures.
    * Share modules of code between handlers and scripts.
    * CGI library and templating system (allows separation of code and
    * DBI library for simple database access. 

The main change is that we now have a DBI layer for simple access to
relational databases. Implemented so far: a PostgreSQL driver. MySQL
coming soon.

The distribution has various examples including a comments system,
which you can see demonstrated at http://www.annexia.org/


Richard Jones. http://www.annexia.org/ http://freshmeat.net/users/rwmj
Merjis Ltd. http://www.merjis.com/ - all your business data are belong to you.
"My karma ran over your dogma"

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