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woody rebuilt packages: apt-gettable repository

If you have ever thought something like:

  "damn! woody has come out and ocaml 3.06, lablgtk 1.2.5 and a whole of
  other stuff isn't in! damn! damn! damn!"

this post is for you (and it's not SPAM :-)

I've just rebuilt a lot of ocaml related packages for woody, all of them
are available via apt-get from my HELM related repository:

  deb file:/home/zack/dati/uny/public_html/helm unstable main contrib non-free

The repository actually contains also "unstable" packages (yes, I know,
is pretty a mess, but is a first beta working version), but the
following packages are rebuilt for woody:

- ocaml
- lablgl
- lablgtk
- ocaml-findlib
- lablgtkmathview
- libgdome*
- gdome-xslt
- ocaml-pcre

The repository, as said, contains also all my other packages for
unstable, but this is a minor problem because these can't be installed
due to dependencies to a libc6 version that isn't available in woody.

Thus if you need some of the above packages for woody, you know what to

If someone find this repository useful I can also rebuild some other
packages and also set up a separate repository expecially aimed at woody
rebuilt ocaml packages (cause I doubt most of you can find useful the
"helmpot" package for example :) Just let me know if you need them.


Stefano Zacchiroli - undergraduate student of CS @ Univ. Bologna, Italy
zack@cs.unibo.it | ICQ# 33538863 | http://www.cs.unibo.it/~zacchiro
"I know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I am not
sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant!" -- G.Romney

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