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PTS announcements: done!

Done!, I've finally managed to make the pts stuff work, currently
debian-ocaml-maint is subscriped to the "upload-source" service of the
PTS for the following packages:

   advi, camlidl, camlimages, camlzip, configwin, findlib, fort,
   gmetadom, lablgl, lablgtk, lablgtkmathview, libpgsql-ocaml,
   libxslt-ocaml, mlglade, mlgtk, ocaml, ocaml-tools, ocamlnet,
   ocamlsdl, ocamltk, ocamlweb, pcre-ocaml, pxp, shell, xstr, zoggy

To avoid pollution of this ML with confirmation messages I've subscribed
to the PTS the address zack-OCamlPTS@debian.org to which correspond a
.forward-ocamlpts on my home at master.debian.org. Whith this trick I've
handled all the confirmation messages with the forward pointing at me
and then changed the forward so that it points to this list.

I will use this trick again each time we need to add a new package to
the list above.
BTW, please announce new ocaml related packages (with new = not yet
packaged obviously) so that I can subcribe this list to the pts for
these new packages.

I've also tested the stuff with the upload of the new pxp versione and I
will bounce the mail I've received here (I've changed the forwarding
address only after the test). As you can see the PTS mails are easy to
be filtered, they carry two headers:

  X-PTS-Package: <pkg_name>
  X-PTS-Keyword: <pts_service>

So if you don't like this kind of mail you can filter them out with


Stefano Zacchiroli - undergraduate student of CS @ Univ. Bologna, Italy
zack@cs.unibo.it | ICQ# 33538863 | http://www.cs.unibo.it/~zacchiro
"I know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I am not
sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant!" -- G.Romney

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