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Random note


I just read something like this:

 - Don't underestimate the need for widespread participation in all
   stages of implementing new technology.  Potential users at all levels
   of the system must be included in planning, design and deployment.

I've been thinking for some time about these issues, and that paragraph
pushed the idea out of me.

The Debian-NP basic installation should be generic.  The value of
Debian-NP should be in adding technology later in a
deployment-by-deployment basis, steered by the needs and participation
of any single non-profit in which the system is adopted.

It's more important that we collect best-cases, with the software used
is well presented and easily installable.  Then every reality can
evaluate paths to follow and actively shape the system for his identity.

I see the major technical and conceptual challenge of Debian-NP as
finding a technologically viable way of enabling this.

(this is other food-for-thought I feel like throwing in.  Could be part
 of a talk I give in the Debian-NP conference.  I'll think about it)



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