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Re: Kernel optimizations for small machines

On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 06:21:42PM -0700, Matt Taggart wrote:

> One way to look at the low RAM problem is: Is your time better spent working 
> on RAM doubling or tuning/replacing the bloated applications wasting RAM? Once 
> people have done a good enough job on the latter, maybe the former will be 
> interesting to pursue. (and maybe they have already, thing like jailbait linux 
> etc. do a lot with a little RAM)

I would say it's better spent in both things: any computer would
probably work better if Gnome+OOo would use half of the RAM they use,
and I tend to think there's quite a lot to clean up in those apps, and
time would be very well spent in doing that.

But at the same time, compression is probably an intersting middle step
between RAM and swap, which could be useful for most or any situation in
which you end up using swap.  Another interesting idea is compression of
swap, which would reduce the size of disk reads and writes.

My point is that both roads are worth taking, as both would have
benefits that the other alone can't provide.



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