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Re: what debian-np *should* do

On Sep 27, 2004, at 1:34 PM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:

so the install would involve asking somewhere in the ballpark of 3-10
questions about the kind of computer they want to install, and *poof*
everything basically works.  that's one potential goal i'd like to see
debian-np achieve.

One thing that knoppix has that's really cool is an installer program that you run after you've booted from the cd. It's a kde app i believe, or maybe a script that calls artsdialog or something, and it asks you a very minimal set of questions, and then copies itself to your drive.

Also, I wrote the gtk interface for debian-installer, which wasn't finished. But, maybe debian-np could have a more limited set of hardware requirements, making an X based installer more reasonable.

Oh, and you can disregard my last email. I just discovered the np-devel list and started looking through the archives.



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