Debian Project at several Events in Europe
The Debian Project
Debian at Events in Europe
February 24th, 2003
Debian Project at several Events in Europe
Several exhibitions and conferences covering Free Software and
GNU/Linux will take place during the next couple of days. The Debian
project has been offered to participate in them and we'd like to
inform you about them as well.
March 1st LinuxForum 2003
Copenhagen, Denmark
The Debian project will run a booth and demonstrate the Debian
distribution to interested people. Peter Makholm and Rune
Broberg will staff it.
March 1st - 2nd 1st Wilhelmshavener Linux Information Days
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Alexander Wirt will give a talk about the benefits of using
Debian GNU/Linux. Some talks will be digitally shared with the
5th Chemnitzer Linux-Tag through the Internet.
March 1st - 2nd 5th Chemnitzer Linux-Tag
Chemnitz, Germany
The Debian project will run a booth staffed with Michael
Bramer, Andreas Tille and Andreas Müller. Michael
Bramer will also give a workshop about the Debian package
management and a talk about the Debian Description Translation
Project. Additionally Andreas Tille will give a presentation
about Debian-Med.
We invite all interested people in that area to attend one of these
conferences, meet Debian developers and users, exchange GnuPG
fingerprints, discuss various topics on Debian and Free Software, and
otherwise participate in our vibrant community.
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