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Debian Weekly News - March 13th, 2002

Debian Weekly News
Debian Weekly News - March 13th, 2002

Welcome to this year's eleventh issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter
for the Debian community. It looks like this was a quiet week.
However, it was a great week, since the Woody release process
continues well and a Debian Developer apparently won two Gold medals.

Woody Release Status. Anthony Towns sent in another [1]report covering
the Woody release. The [2]bug count is still going down, but more
slowly than we might like. Please keep looking through packages you
maintain or use to make sure they are releasable. Again, he removed a
bunch of packages from Woody that seemed to be unreleasable.

 1. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce-0203/msg00009.html
 2. http://bugs.debian.org/~wakkerma/bugs

Project Leader Elections Debate. Randolph Chung sent a [3]Call for
Questions for the upcoming Debian Project Leader (DPL) Election
debate, as [4]announced by the project secretary last week. As
currently envisioned, the debate will be moderated by the
[5]panelists, and will be broken down into four parts: General
questions, questions directed to the candidates, questions that arise
during the above two parts and, finally, closing remarks and rebuttal.

 3. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce-0203/msg00008.html
 4. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce-0203/msg00004.html
 5. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce-0203/msg00005.html

XFS based Boot Floppies. Two people are working towards integration of
XFS into Debian's boot-floppies. Eduard Bloch created the first
installations CD image for Woody and XFS which can be downloaded from
[6]here. Angelo Ovidi started a new project on SourceForge called
[7]XFDeb. He already created a rescue disk based on kernel 2.4.14 and
XFS 1.0.2 and is going to create the root and drivers floppies, too.
His aim is to unify his work with Ionut Georgescu's [8]Debian
installer with SGI XFS support to offer the XFS journaling file system
as an option at installation time.

 6. http://people.debian.org/~blade/XFS-Install/
 7. http://xfdeb.sourceforge.net/
 8. http://www.physik.tu-cottbus.de/~george/woody_xfs/

Debian Developer wins Paralympic Gold twice. It seems that one of our
developers, [9]Bart Bunting, is attending the Paralympics currently
being held in Salt Lake City. He [10]won the gold medal in the
visually impaired mens Super-G and Downhill. Bart, a two-time world
champion at the titles in Switzerland two years ago, is competing at
his first Paralympics. Congratulations Bart!

 9. http://www.paralympics2002.com/athletes/biographies/41002.html
 10. http://www.abc.net.au/news/sport/othersport/2002/03/item20020311102704_1.htm

teTeX Documentation Licenses. C.M. Connelly is in the [11]process of
vetting the documentation files that are distributed with the tetex
packages. Most of them are compliant with the [12]Debian Free Software
Guidelines (DFSG), partially using the [13]LaTeX Project Public
License (LPPL), [14]GNU General Public License (GPL), their own
DFSG-compliant license, or in the public domain. There are about 30
documents whose licensing status is less clear, and those are the ones
that are subject of investigation.

 11. http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal-0203/msg00054.html
 12. http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines
 13. http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
 14. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

DebianHelp Needs A New Home. The web site [15]DebianHelp was created
in 2000 and aims to help out beginners to Debian GNU/Linux. Presently,
the maintainer of DebianHelp himself, Randy Edwards, is asking for
help, because the site will lose its internet connection in a couple
of months. People who want to offer him hosting the web site or the
server should drop [16]Randy a line.

 15. http://www.debianhelp.org/
 16. mailto:redwards@golgotha.net

New or Noteworthy Packages. The following packages were added to the
Debian archive recently.

 * [17]advi -- A simple DVI previewer written in Objective Caml.
 * [18]crafted -- Map editor for FreeCraft, the free WarCraft II
 * [19]cvsutils -- CVS utilities for use in working directories
 * [20]dnsmasq -- A caching DNS forwarder.
 * [21]dvr -- Digital Video Recorder.
 * [22]fcmp -- Free media files for FreeCraft.
 * [23]freecraft -- Realtime fantasy strategy game for Unix and X.
 * [24]lmbench -- Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems.
 * [25]muse -- A Qt-based midi/audio sequencer.
 * [26]openmosix -- Utilities to administer a openmosix cluster node.
 * [27]rootstrap -- A tool for building complete Linux filesystem
 * [28]sanitizer -- The Anomy Mail Sanitizer - an email virus
 * [29]xmovie -- A nice player for uncompressed Quicktime, MPEG
   streams and more.

 17. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/tex/advi.html
 18. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/crafted.html
 19. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/cvsutils.html
 20. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/dnsmasq.html
 21. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/dvr.html
 22. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/fcmp.html
 23. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/freecraft.html
 24. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/lmbench.html
 25. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/sound/muse.html
 26. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/openmosix.html
 27. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/rootstrap.html
 28. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/mail/sanitizer.html
 29. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/xmovie.html

Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update
your systems if you have any of these packages installed.

 * [30]mod_ssl -- Buffer overflow.
 * [31]xtell -- Buffer overflow and other problems.
 * [32]zlib & others -- Buffer overflow.

 30. http://www.debian.org/security/2002/dsa-120
 31. http://www.debian.org/security/2002/dsa-121
 32. http://www.debian.org/security/2002/dsa-122

Got News? Please inform us about everything that is happening in the
Debian community. We are always looking for any interesting stories to
add, especially new items by volunteer writers, and topics we tend to
miss. We're looking forward to receiving your mail at

 33. mailto:dwn@debian.org

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