debian-newmaint Dec 2023 by subject
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Fabian Grünbichler: Declaration of intent to become a DM+account
Akash Santhosh: Advocate
Akash Santhosh: Declaration of intent to become a DD, non-upl.
Carles Pina i Estany: Application Manager report
Dave Hibberd: Application Manager report
Endorsing Carles Pina i Estany's key B61EBF6686FDB8662899A27EA802884F60A55F81
Endorsing Jeremy Paul Arnold Sowden's key 8790309C15658B33994ECA9A4E142C216BDFC613
Endorsing Joachim Bauch's key BE3D8AF066B6EC8079667FD777C1D22D53E15F02
Jeremy Paul Arnold Sowden: Advocate
Jeremy Paul Arnold Sowden: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl.
Josenilson Ferreira da SIlva: Advocate
Josenilson Ferreira da SIlva: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl.
Philip Wyett: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl.
Philip Wyett: Declaration of intent to become a DM+account
Ricardo Ribalda Delgado: Advocate
Ricardo Ribalda Delgado: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl.
Soren Stoutner: Application Manager report
Vinay Keshava: Advocate
Vinay Keshava: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl.
Vivek K J: Advocate
Vivek K J: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl.
The last update was on 09:40 GMT Thu Dec 28. There are 29 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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