debian-newmaint Jun 2017 by thread
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Tong Sun: Advocate
Anthony Fok
<Possible follow-ups>
Tong Sun: Advocate
Torsten Landschoff
Martin Kepplinger: Advocate
Steffen Möller
Martin Kepplinger: Declaration of intent
Martin Kepplinger
Nicholas Steven Luedtke: Declaration of intent
Nicholas Steven Luedtke
Michael Hudson-Doyle: Declaration of intent
Michael Hudson-Doyle
<Possible follow-ups>
Michael Hudson-Doyle: Declaration of intent
Michael Hudson-Doyle
Michael Hudson-Doyle: Advocate
Tianon Gravi
<Possible follow-ups>
Michael Hudson-Doyle: Advocate
Martín Ferrari
Michael Hudson-Doyle: Advocate
Steve Langasek
Jeremy Bernatchez-Sainvil: Declaration of intent
Jeremy Bernatchez-Sainvil
Ryan Tandy: Declaration of intent
Ryan Tandy
Ryan Tandy: Advocate
Gianfranco Costamagna
Alex Muntada: Application Manager report
Santiago Ruano Rincón
Elana Hashman: Declaration of intent
Elana Hashman
Elana Hashman: Advocate
Clint Adams
<Possible follow-ups>
Elana Hashman: Advocate
Emmanuel Bourg
Elana Hashman: Advocate
Emmanuel Bourg
Ming-ting Yao Wei: Declaration of intent
Ming-ting Yao Wei
Ming-ting Yao Wei: Advocate
ChangZhuo Chen
Boyuan Yang: Declaration of intent
Boyuan Yang
Boyuan Yang: Advocate
ChangZhuo Chen
<Possible follow-ups>
Boyuan Yang: Advocate
Gianfranco Costamagna
Luca Boccassi: Declaration of intent
Luca Boccassi
Paolo Greppi: Declaration of intent
Paolo Greppi
Paolo Greppi: Advocate
Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
The last update was on 15:56 GMT Thu Jun 06. There are 26 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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