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Access to nm.debian.org for post-DDs


when one became emeritus, or one's account was removed, access to
nm.debian.org has became impossible in the past because nm.debian.org
expected one to access using the @debian.org Single Sign-On identity.

I figured this could be fixed by having the site maintenance
automatically associate the account to <uid>@users.alioth.debian.org.

For a DM I cannot know what's one's Alioth account name, but for a DD I
actually can, because Alioth has a separate namespace for DDs, and AFAIK
access to that account should still be valid when the Debian account is

This allows post-DDs to retain access to their person page on nm.d.o,
and to be able to access the site to update their details or starting a
process to reactivate the account.

It's now deployed, so if you used to be a DD and want to access your
nm.debian.org record, you can access it using a certificate generated
here: https://sso.debian.org/alioth/certs/

Further details about Debian's Single Sign-On system are here:


GPG key: 4096R/634F4BD1E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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