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Advocacy for Iain R. Learmonth


I advocate Iain R. Learmonth to become Debian Developer, uploading.

The current status of Iain R. Learmonth is Debian Contributor.

Advocacy text:

I am aware that Iain appears to be on a fast track to becoming a DD and is bypassing the DM stage.

I came across Iain online on the Debian Hams mailing list where he was requesting package sponsorship. I've also chatted with him a lot on irc where we have discussed both Ham Radio and Debian packaging.

I have sponsored several Ham Radio Debian packages built by Iain and can confirm he knows what he is doing and is learning about "The Debian Way".

Iain is keen to join and help out with the Debian Ham Radio Maintainers team.

Iain has proven to be open about the things he is doing in Debian, especially as they relate to Ham radio software and he is actively working on setting up a Debian 'Blend' for Ham Radio.

I therefore support Iains application to become a DD.



Colin Tuckley (via nm.debian.org)

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