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Advocacy for James Downing Page


I advocate James Downing Page to become uploading DD.
Advocacy text:

Dear Debian Front Desk:

I wholeheartedly support James Page's application to become a Debian Developer.  A bit over a year ago, in October of 2011, I advocated his DM application.  At that point he and I had been working together on Java team packages for about 6 months.  In the intervening year and a bit, he has continued to contribute to Debian and further demonstrate his technical prowess and understanding of Debian procedures, licensing, and related issues.

He is currently associated with 64 of the Java team-maintained packages and I trust him with DMUA for all packages with which I am also associated.  I view him as a valuable member of the Java team, and so I am happy to repeat myself and advocate his application to become a DD.


Tony Mancill (via nm.debian.org)

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