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AM report for Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Lisandro
   Middle name:     Damián Nicanor
   Last name:       Pérez Meyer
   Key fingerprint: 12DD FA84 AC23 B2BB F04B  313C AB64 5F40 6286 A7D0
   Account:         lisandro
   Forward email:   perezmeyer@gmail.com

   ID check passed, key signed by 2 existing developers:
   Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>
   Margarita Manterola <marga@debian.org>

2. Background
   Applicant writes:
   == About me ==

   My name is Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer, I am 28 years old and
   I live in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. I'm an electronic engineer working
   on embedded devices.

   == How I came to GNU/Linux and free software ==

   I discovered libre software on January 2002, but I couldn't try it
   until mid 2002. I then subscribed to a pair of local LUGs mailing
   lists, BBLug from my local place and LugFI from Buenos Aires. In this
   last place I digitally met marga, des, maxyz and Tincho. I was using
   Red Hat, and some day des wrote something like "I don't understand
   why people who try Debian botter to try other distros". That was
   enough to make me curious about this distro.

   As I haven't a broadband connection, and after failing lots of times
   to try to get a copy of Debian with a friend's connection, I ended up
   buying a copy of Sarge's DVDs on December 2004.

   Using aptitude to install software was love at first sight :-)

   == Why I want to volunteer my time ==

   While I started translating stuff wanting to be part of the libre
   software community, I also found that it would enable me to learn
   lots of things, meet lots of different people from very differents
   places and the best of all: have fun :-)

   I think that the stuff that I do can be useful for other people, in
   the same way I find useful the work of other people.

   == Contributions I made to Debian ==

   I am maintaining the packages listed at [0] and have worked with
   packages under the Qt/KDE team's umbrella, although I am getting
   listed in Uploaders since I became a DM.

   [0] <http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=perezmeyer%40gmail.com&comaint=yes>

   I am already a DM since Nov 13th, 2010 [1].

   [1] <http://lists.debian.org/debian-newmaint/2010/11/msg00011.html>

   I have also been part of the DebConf8 local team, starting as
   volunteer and ending up in the organization team.

   == Primary areas of interest, goals ==

   I am particulary involved in Qt/KDE stuff.
   I'm also interested in Computer Aided Engineering/Design and getting
   Debian in embedded devices.

   I had the pleasure to do some QA work with Ana Guerrero, and I think
   I will certainly try to do some work in that area too.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Lisandro has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and
   procedures and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Lisandro committed to uphold the SC
   and DFSG in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Lisandro has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   He is maintainer of several packages related to Qt/KDE (sponsored by
   marga, ana etc).  All packages are in good shape.  Lisandro also
   answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems.

5. Recommendation
   I strongly recommend to accept Lisandro as a Debian Developer. It has
   been a great pleasure working with him and his knowledge convinced me
   even more.


 .''`.   Jan Hauke Rahm <jhr@debian.org>               www.jhr-online.de
: :'  :  Debian Developer                                 www.debian.org
`. `'`   Member of the Linux Foundation                    www.linux.com
  `-     Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe      www.fsfe.org

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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