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AM report for Thomas Goirand <thomas@goirand.fr>

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Thomas
   Last name:       Goirand
   Key fingerprint: E4F0 EDDF 374F 2C50 D473  5EC0 9783 3DC9 98EF 9A49
   Account:         zigo
   Forward email:   thomas@goirand.fr

   ID check passed, key signed by 1 existing developer:

   Output from keycheck.sh:
   pub   1024D/98EF9A49 2006-05-23
         Key fingerprint = E4F0 EDDF 374F 2C50 D473  5EC0 9783 3DC9 98EF 9A49
   uid                  Thomas GOIRAND <thomas@goirand.fr>
   sig!2        6D67F790 2006-10-18  Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
   sig!3        98EF9A49 2006-05-23  Thomas GOIRAND <thomas@goirand.fr>

   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.  Good!
   Check for key expire stuff
   Valid "e" flag on key 0x97833DC998EF9A49, no expiration
   Valid "s" flag on key 0x97833DC998EF9A49, no expiration

2. Background
   Applicant writes:
   I'm 33, I'm a French guy living in China (Shanghai). I am the main
   owner of GPLHost, which is a company doing shared, dedicated and
   virtual private servers hosting (VPS) form 10 locations in the
   world. GPLHost is also the only company in the world that has a
   full web hosting solution that is included in Debian. This
   software, called DTC (and DTC-Xen), handles all the aspects of web
   hosting, and all the 3 above type of services. I'm the main author
   of this software, which takes a fair amount of my every day time.

   I've been using Debian since I started to be interested in server
   hosting, about 10 years ago. I like programming, and I have also
   learned to like doing packaging work.

3. Advocate writes
   From: Roberto C. Sánchez <roberto@connexer.com>

   Thomas has thus far proven himself to be a good package maintainer.
   He maintains 20 packages in Debian.  I have sponsored numerous
   uploads of six of his packages.  His packaging skills have
   developed very nicely. Over time, the process of sponsoring his
   packages has been generally pleasant and the quality of his
   packages is such that I usually have to spend little time reviewing
   and even then often find his packages to be without issues (or only
   very minor issues, at worst).

   He is responsive to bug reports and so far has interacted very well
   with other parts of the Debian community.  For instance, he worked
   with the lintian maintainers in helping to identify a bug that was
   wrongly producing a lintian error in one of his packages.
   Additionally, during the freeze period he has interacted with and
   accepted guidance from members of the release team regarding how
   best to deal with ceratin issues affecting his packages.  I
   wholeheartedly support Thomas' effort to become a DD.

4. Philosophy and Procedures
   Thomas has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and
   procedures and answered all questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Thomas committed to uphold the SC
   and DFSG in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

5. Tasks and Skills
   Thomas has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Thomas is maintainer of several PHP-related packages, and also
   upstream for DTC, a web-hosting software. This package is hard to
   fit into Debian, and Thomas is constantly working on removing
   obstacles. Thomas also answered other questions regarding T&S
   without problems and provided patches for RC bugs.

6. Recommendation
   Thomas was previously assigned to Steffen Joeris who stepped down
   as AM. I am taking over, and upon reviewing the material,
   I recommend to accept Thomas as a Debian Developer.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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