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Re: Debian Maintainer status for Kai Hendry

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008, Kai Hendry wrote:
> The controversial proposal I poorly made about wikis is that it would be
> better to have some sort of review process like Wikipedia does. Since
> then I think Ubuntu had tried a review system call REVU.


> I like to think I understand Debian's processes however if you want to
> take my naive comments as incompatible or dangerous to Debian's doctrine
> then you risk making Debian less democratic. Which is a little sad. :/

Well, the reason why *I* wouldn't trust you with write access is that you
come off as if you were hiding behind the mistakes of others.  Which gives
me a message you would be making the same mistakes.  Not that my opinion
matters a whole lot, but apparently the DAM thought so as well at the time,
and it would take a damn good show of you having changed your behaviour to
get him to consider taking a decision about it, I *think* (I don't know the
DAMs personally, and I haven't asked them about your NM process either).

> Still, I'm not afraid to apologise for my sensational blog post. I could
> have been a lot clearer and perhaps I should have corrected the post
> (what do you think?). I want to continue contributing to Debian with as
> little barriers as possible, so I hope I can at least apply to be a DM.

Well, I won't stand on the way of anyone.  But I still suggest that you find
a way to show that now you understand *perfectly* the security processes
related to Debian, their strenghts and their drawbacks (including the ones
caused by lazy DDs that are really asking to be thrown out if their
irresponsible behaviour ever causes a breach in the archive).

Then all you'd have to do is to promise to do better than those DDs you have
seen doing wrong things,  by describing how you will handle your keys.  That
would be enough to convince me, and who knows, maybe the DAM as well.

BUT I still don't know if the DM process is supposed to be used for people
already being held at the DAM stage.  I don't care much either way, but it
is a valid question, and the people taking care of the DM process do know
the answer.

PS: I have nothing against a review process like REVU.  It is safe, and a
little better than our sponsorship system.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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