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AM report for Jérémy Bobbio <jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr>

Report for new developer applicant Jérémy Bobbio <jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr>:

1. Identification & Background
   Check with keyid D7D0EF65:
   ID check passed, key signed by 6 existing developers:

   pub   1024D/D7D0EF65 2004-09-23 [expires: 2007-09-25]
         Key fingerprint = 04A9 0837 F747 F0FC 205C  5646 D8F5 23B3 D7D0 EF65
   uid                  Jérémy Bobbio <jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr>
   sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-04  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
   sig!         E0BA04C1 2006-07-08  Ralf Treinen <treinen@debian.org>
   sig!         797EBFAB 2006-08-18  Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.com>
   sig!      X  6783ED5E 2005-02-08  Frederic Peters <fpeters@entrouvert.com>
   sig!2     X  128287E8 2005-03-01  Dafydd Harries <daf@muse.19inch.net>
   sig!3     X  6E8169D2 2005-07-10  Raphael Hertzog <raphael@ouaza.com>
   sig!3        D7D0EF65 2006-09-25  Jérémy Bobbio <jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr>

   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key: Key is ok
   Check for key expire stuff: Key has an expiration date of 2007-09-25.

   Applicant writes:

   My first encounter with free software was around 1995. I spent 2 or
   3 days installing a Slackware distribution using floppy disks. But
   I didn't really use it, lacking both a fast Internet connection and
   people I could learn with.

   What I learned in the process, though, was the philosophical and
   practical ideas of free software: freedom to get, freedom to use
   and freedom to help.  And I liked them, deeply.

   My second attempt was two years later. Wanting the most of a new
   motherboard with 2 CPUs, using _another_ OS seemed obvious. I had
   tried Mandrake, FreeBSD, and Sorcerer before settling on Debian.

   At that time, I was mostly doing computing alone, helped by and
   helping a few friends met on IRC.  But, successively, the Sorcerer
   and Debian communities made me realize how fun it can be to work
   together on the big achievement that a GNU/Linux distribution can
   be.  I also discovered the fun of attending and doing skill sharing
   workshops in the various hacklabs I was involved with.

   Fast forward--now, I'm 23 years old, still living in France where I
   was born, still working with computers, but trying to do it in a
   way that meets my political, ecological and philosophical views.

   It has always seemed natural to me to contribute back to something
   that I am using.  I have been using Debian for quite some time now,
   looking at its insight more closely since the birth of the Debian
   Women project, and I really want to get involved in the Debian
   project to do my share of work.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Jérémy has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and
   procedures. He answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. He committed to uphold the SC and
   DFSG in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Jérémy has a very good understanding of the technical side of
   Debian. Jérémy is (co-)maintainer of papercut, metche, and several
   zope packages. All packages are in good shape. He also answered my
   other questions regarding T&S without problems and provided patches
   for RC bugs.

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
   Account: lunar
   Forward-Email: jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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