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AM report for Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian@miguelgea.com>

Report for new developer applicant Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian@miguelgea.com>:

1. Identification & Background
   Check with Keyid 0x580808C4:

   ID Check passed, Key signed by four DDs.

   Output from keycheck.sh 0x580808C4
   pub   1024D/580808C4 2004-04-06
         Key fingerprint = 85A0 06FD 9A6C 4701 27C2  5536 3533 50CA 5808 08C4
   uid                  Miguel Gea Milvaques (Xerako) <correo@miguelgea.com>
   sig!         797EBFAB 2005-05-05  Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.com>
   sig!         C671257D 2005-05-05  David Moreno Garza (1984-08-08) <damog@damog.net>
   sig!         F2CF01A8 2005-05-06  Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com>
   sig!         DA6AE621 2005-05-08  Adeodato Simó <asp16@alu.ua.es>
   sig!3        917A225E 2004-07-12  Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>
   sig!3        2A30D729 2005-05-06  Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>
   sig!3        580808C4 2004-04-06  Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian@miguelgea.com>
   sig!3        580808C4 2005-04-14  Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian@miguelgea.com>
   12 signatures not checked due to missing keys
   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is ok
   Check for key expire stuff
   Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

   Applicant writes:
   | I'm a Mathematics bachelor and teacher in a Spanish Secondary School.
   | I was researching image and video compression with Discrete Wavelet
   | Transform in 1993 and i needed to create an implementation. After
   | a lot of problems with memory management on MS-DOS, I tried a Slackware
   | Linux with a "new" kernel version 0.99, which solved all my problems.
   | This "free" help got me to release my own application (TutoriaPHP) 
   | under the GPL as my first contribution to free software as gratefulness.
   | Within Debian, I'm interested in maintaining my packages and working on new
   | Debian specific packages,  specially dbconfig-common.
   | I also want to continue to help in the #debian-mentors-es channel, which is
   | a place to help people to create new packages. I'm sure I'm going to find
   | a lot of new projects on my way.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Miguel has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract,
   DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Miguel is Maintainer of libmatheval, mydms, ocrad, pngwriter and acx100,
   all Packages in Debian (sponsored by Josselin Mouette (joss) and Aurelien
   Jarno (aurel32)).
   He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
   Account:       xerakko
   Forward-Email: debian@miguelgea.com

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
87: CIDR
       Die dezimale Quersumme der binären Repräsentation der
       Netzmaske. (Aldo)

Attachment: pgpHpAhZaZjej.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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