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AM report for Andree Leidenfrost

Ultra short report: I recommend Andree Leidenfrost be accepted as a Debian


hussy:~/src/debian$ gpg --check-sigs aleidenf@bigpond.net.au
pub  1024D/BD88CDAC 2004-02-22 Andree Leidenfrost <aleidenf@bigpond.net.au>
sig!3       12CADFA5 2004-03-02   Craig Small <csmall@enc.com.au>
sig!3       BD88CDAC 2004-02-22   Andree Leidenfrost <aleidenf@bigpond.net.au>
sig!3       69351387 2004-09-02   Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@hezmatt.org>
sub  1024g/26ACC041 2004-02-22
sig!        BD88CDAC 2004-02-22   Andree Leidenfrost <aleidenf@bigpond.net.au>

I have verified Andree's identity myself, and he has also had his key
checked by Craig Small.

Identity check passed OK.


Andree writes:

I am an IT professional mainly working as an SAP consultant in the
areas Basis and Development. Also, I have been doing Linux and Windows
administration work for almost a decade and have done programming in
various languages over the years including scientific programming in
FORTRAN and web development.

I'm an expatriate German who has been happily living in Sydney,
Australia since the middle of 1999.

I believe a world with more OpenSource software would be a slightly
better world. My commitment to Debian is my little contribution to
making this happen.

Philosophy and Procedures

Andree has agreed via signed e-mail to uphold the Social Contract and DFSG
in his Debian work, and has read and agreed to the DMUP.

I assessed Andree's abilities via the standard quiz questions (with some
slight adaptations).  Although he had some problems with some of the
questions, they were primarily issues of clarity rather than content.  After
some followup, Andree satisfied me of his knowledge of both Debian philosophy
and procedures.

Tasks and Skills

For the skills portion of the NM assessment, I asked Andree a selection from
the standard question set.  He provided answers to my questions (and
followup) without trouble.

I examined some of Andree's packaging and bug maintenance, and found it to
be satisfactory.

Account Information

Preferred username: andree
Mail forwarded to: aleidenf@bigpond.net.au

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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