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AM Report for Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>

Public report for Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>:

1. Identification
  ID check passed; he has DD signatures up the wazoo.

  Key 51CF8417, available from subkeys.pgp.net (output trimmed).
pub  1024D/0813569F 2003-09-14 Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>
     Key fingerprint = D9E4 5378 D0F9 E4B2 0622  D299 976B 884B 0813 569F
sig!2       2BE16D01 2004-02-23   Moray Allan <moray@sermisy.org>
sig!3       44779E18 2004-02-22   Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@debian.org>
sig!3       D7145E30 2004-02-23   Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org>
sig!3       68FD549F 2004-02-29   Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
uid                            Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@php.net>
sig!2       2BE16D01 2004-02-23   Moray Allan <moray@sermisy.org>
sig!3       44779E18 2004-02-22   Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@debian.org>
sig!3       D7145E30 2004-02-23   Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org>
sig!3       68FD549F 2004-02-29   Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
uid                            Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jjawolff@cs.uu.nl>
sig!2       2BE16D01 2004-02-23   Moray Allan <moray@sermisy.org>
sig!3       44779E18 2004-02-22   Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@debian.org>
sig!3       D7145E30 2004-02-23   Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org>
sig!3       68FD549F 2004-02-29   Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
uid                            Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@A-Eskwadraat.nl>
sig!2       2BE16D01 2004-02-23   Moray Allan <moray@sermisy.org>
sig!3       44779E18 2004-02-22   Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@debian.org>
sig!3       D7145E30 2004-02-23   Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org>
sig!3       68FD549F 2004-02-29   Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
uid                            Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroenvw@users.sourceforge.net>
sig!3       44779E18 2004-02-22   Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@debian.org>
sig!3       D7145E30 2004-02-23   Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org>
sig!3       68FD549F 2004-02-29   Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
sub  1024g/9B731FA8 2003-09-14
sig!        0813569F 2003-09-14   Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>

2. Personal

  Jeroen writes about himself [length warning]:
- 22yr old student, halfway Computer Science
- Using Debian since mid-2000, as admin since begin 2001 (admin meaning
  doing in-house packaging too)
- Experienced in PHP, Java, C, C++, Haskell, Sybase, MySQL, bash and
- Research job involving programming, >3 years experience with working
  in (small) teams, often as lead developer.
- PHP developper for about half a year
- Main interests in packaging/maintaining, but also QA

And now the full text...

I'm Jeroen van Wolffelaar, 22 years and a few days old. Directly after
high school, I was in the Dutch team for the International Mathematics
Olympiad in Korea.  I'm currently a student Computer Science at Utrecht
University, the Netherlands. In my first year, I also concurrently got
my propedeutics Math. Since I was borad member of my Study Association
past academic year, I'm now one year behind, in my (study-wise) 3rd year
(out of five).

My first real involvement in Open Source was PHP. I've been (officially
I am still) a PHP developer. There, I did up experience with working
with a lot of people all over the planet. I now, about 3 years later,
realize I haven't been doing the greatest job possibly. I missed the
personal contact, especially the subtilities that come for free with it
while co-working exclusively via cvs and email. Also I'm not a native
English speaker (fortunately my spelling is much better than my
pronouncation, which might give you a hint how bad _that_ is).

I believe that I have learned very much since then related to the social
aspects of work/software development, and socially in general,
espacially in how to cooperate, motivate, and manage, because of the
great experience of being one year board member working a lot together
and having a lot of meetings, and in my years of experience in various
software projects.

I'm a quite perfectionist programmer. I still work quite quickly, partly
because I plan a lot in my head about how something is best implemented
(possibly related to my exact background) I'm never too scared to throw
away some code just after I wrote it, I find trying to do a quick
implementation the fastest way to understand all requirements for a
software design. I'm known as being very critical on (other people's)
code. Related to this, I work best in a small team of people I know
personally, however, working together on-line like in PHP or Debian has
also its niceities.

(I'll now go to less detail from now on, I tend to get to elaborate...)

I've worked with Debian since mid-2000, as my study association runs
fully on it (probably influenced by DDs Guus Sliepen and Bas Zoetekouw,
both (current&former) members of the same association, or maybe they
because DD because of the latter, like I am now applying to).

I develop and administer in a small team the A-Eskwadraat (the
study-association) website, especially our home-made
book-sell/order/financial-registration system 'bookweb' (in intention
open-source, but very specific), our very sophisticated
member-administration, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'm effectively
the main developper for nearly 3 years now.

For my study, I did quite some Java development, quite some C++, some C,
a lot of Haskell and BrainFuck (okay, admitted: that was for fun). Via a
teacher I got involved in my current job, research to helping diagnosing
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia with the help of Bayesian networks and
an extensive Patient Information System at the Intensive Care Units of
the Acadamic Hospital Utrecht (related to the Utrecht University). Very
cool, involves quite some PHP, also PHP-module development for some
bayesian software, Sybase programming, and MySQL. I'm the leading

Since begin 2002 I am administrator of the aforementioned A-Eskwadraat
computers, and since (as I now noticed) exactly two years I also have
exclusively Debian on my own home computer (after SuSE for a few months
back in 2001 when I had no internet connection). I did some in-house
packaging and such, at some time in end 2002 I decided Debian was cool,
and I'd like to help you out to become even cooler. If you have read
this as good as you've asked me to read your mail ;), you know by now
that this was in the middle of my board-period, and so I only last month
or so got really enough time to take further steps.

My interests for Debian lie with packaging and maintaining some tools I
use, but also on QA: as mentioned before, I'm quite a perfectionist, and
while I sure won't nitpick on anything, there are a lot of things that
much more obvious could use improvement. However, for this last factor
being a DD isn't mostly needed as anyone can file reports and use email
(and which I also do already a bit).

I hope it is obvious that my work on Debian will be according to the
Social Contract and DFSG. Those documents are one of the main reasons I
believe Debian is great, as a curious programmer, I like to be able to
learn from other people's source code, and being able to fix it if
somehow needed, or use it as documention when manuals are failing.

  Searching around on Jeroen, it is obvious that he has had a very prominent
  involvement in the community to date, including with both PHP and Debian. He
  seems to be quite helpful in emails.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
  Jeroen had quite a good understanding of P&P; P&P check passed after a couple
  of back-and-forths.

4. Tasks and Skills
  Jeroen passed T&S easily. His answers to the questions were very well done,
  and his packages (povray, nload, and ytalk) were all well-done.

5. Summary
   I recommend Jeroen's acceptance as a Debian Developer.
   Account: jeroen
   Forward-Email: jeroen@wolffelaar.nl

:) d

Daniel Stone                                                <daniels@debian.org>
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debian.org

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