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AM report for Radu Spineanu

Report for new developer applicant Radu Spineanu <radu@timisoara.roedu.net>:

0. Recommendation

   I recommend to accept Radu Spineanu as new Debian Developer.
1. Identification & Background

   Check with Keyid 0xC9ABFBD3

   ID Check passed, Key signed by at least one existing Debian Developer,
   Gergely Risko <risko@debian.org>.

   pub  1024D/C9ABFBD3 2004-02-11 Radu Spineanu <radus@smartpost.ro>
     Key fingerprint = F3EF B12B 23D9 D245 B7E4  BE6D 2643 1938 C9AB FBD3
   sig!3       EE0A35C7 2004-07-16   RISKO, Gergely <risko@debian.org>
   uid                            Radu Spineanu <radu@timisoara.roedu.net>
   sig!3       EE0A35C7 2004-07-16   RISKO, Gergely <risko@debian.org>

   The key is a version 4 key.

   Applicant writes:

   I am a student at the Politehnica University Timisoara, and also work
   at an ISP that provides services to all educational facilities in 5
   cities. My first contact with linux was 4 years ago in highschool.
   I don't have an exciting story to tell about home i came to use linux,
   i just saw a RH cd at school and installed it. I was amazed what things
   i could do with it and so started everything.

   Since then i've been managing various servers, some remote, 90% of
   which have Debian on them.

   There are romanians that develop great open source software which would
   be a great adition to Debian, however they don't have the time to
   maintain and also develop. My primary goal would be to help them.
   But in general i want Debian to be great, so i think maybe i could help
   a little.

   Searching Google for him returns mostly links to his debian work.
2. Philosophy and Procedures

   Radu demonstrated good understanding of Debian's Philosophy and Procedures.
   He answered my Questions about the Social Contract, the DFSG, the BTS etc.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Radu is maintainer of xmail, zazu and some fprobe offsprings. xmail
   is in the Debian archive, sponsored by Francesco Paolo Lovergine.
   When I checked the xmail and zazu, I found some small glitches 
   which he fixed quickly.

   He also answered my questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Account information

   Preferred account name: radu
   Address to forward E-Mails to: radu@timisoara.roedu.net

5. Attachments
   GPG Key with ID 0xC9ABFBD3

   Recommendation of the advocate and logs of the discussions with applicant.
   [in text-format and as mbox]

   [not in the public report]

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

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