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AM report for Ricardo Mones Lastra

Report for new developer applicant Ricardo Mones Lastra:

1. Identity verification

KeyID 0x5FBF6682:

ID check passed, key signed by existing DD.

Output from keycheck.sh:

  pub  1024D/5FBF6682 2002-08-27 Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>
     Key fingerprint = 7EC4 E1FF F2DA BB7D E7E4  45D6 D494 5099 5FBF 6682
  sig!3     5FBF6682 2004-02-09   Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>
  uid                      Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@citipa.org>
  sig!3     5FBF6682 2004-02-09   Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>
  sig!2     882A6C4B 2004-03-02   Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
  uid                      Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@wanadoo.es>
  sig!3     5FBF6682 2004-02-09   Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>
  sig!2     882A6C4B 2004-03-02   Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
  uid                      Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@trasgu.aic.uniovi.es>
  sig!3       5FBF6682 2004-02-09   Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>
  sig!2     882A6C4B 2004-03-02   Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
  uid                      Ricardo Mones Lastra <ricardo.mones@hispalinux.es>
  sig!3     5FBF6682 2004-02-09   Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>
  sig!2     882A6C4B 2004-03-02   Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
  sub  1024g/77608653 2002-08-27 [expires: 2004-08-26]
  sig!      5FBF6682 2002-08-27   Ricardo Mones Lastra <mones@aic.uniovi.es>

  Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
  Key is ok

Ricardo writes:

  Well, I'm a future computer science engineer, currently finishing his
  degree. Interested in free and open software since I took contact with it
  years ago, I've been contributing in my spare (and not so spare) time to
  some projects, specially the Sylpheed/Sylpheed Claws mailers. Installing
  Debian to do it was one of my wiser decisions ;-)

2. Philosophy and Procedures

Ricardo has a good understanding of Debian's Philosophy and Procedures.

He gave good answers to all my questions about the Social Contract,
DFSG, BTS etc.

3. Tasks and Skills

Ricardo is doing a good job of maintaining the sylpheed, sylpheed-claws,
sylpheed-claws-ghostscript-viewer, and sylpheed-claws-maildir-plugins
packages, working with Gustavo Noronha Silva (kov).

He answered my Tasks and Skills questions without problems.

4. Recommendation

I recommend accepting Ricardo as a Debian Developer.



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